Data Subsystem

How To Start DataNode

Start a DataNode process by execute the server binary of CFS you built with -c argument and specify configuration file.

nohup cfs-datanode -c datanode.json &


Key Type Description Mandatory
role string Role of process and must be set to datanode Yes
port string Port of TCP network to be listen Yes
localIP string IP of network to be choose No
prof string Port of HTTP based prof and api service Yes
logDir string Path for log file storage Yes
logLevel string Level operation for logging. Default is error No
raftHeartbeat string Port of raft heartbeat TCP network to be listen Yes
raftReplica string Port of raft replicate TCP network to be listen Yes
raftDir string Path for raft log file storage No
consulAddr string Addresses of monitor system No
exporterPort string Port for monitor system No
masterAddr string slice Addresses of master server Yes
rack string Identity of rack No
disks string slice PATH:MAX_ERRS:REST_SIZE Yes


    "role": "datanode",
    "port": "6000",
    "prof": "6001",
    "logDir": "/export/Logs/datanode",
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "raftHeartbeat": "9095",
    "raftReplica": "9096",
    "raftDir": "/export/Logs/datanode/raft",
    "consulAddr": "http://consul.prometheus-cfs.local",
    "exporterPort": 9512,
    "masterAddr": [
    "rack": "main",
     "disks": [